Rabu, 09 Januari 2013
Fakta Unik Tentang Kucing
Tahukah kamu, kucing (Felis silvestrid-catus), terutama kucing rumah adalah salah satu hewan predator paling hebat di dunia. Kucing ini mampu membunuh dan atau memakan beberapa ribu species, mengalahkan kucing besar (seperti singa, harimau, dan sejenisnya) yang hanya mampu memangsa kurang dari 100 species. Namun karena ukurannya terbilang kecil, maka tidak berbahaya bagi manusia (syukurlah…). Namun tetap saja sangat berbahaya apabila kucing ini terinfeksi rabies.
Kucing telah berasosiasi dengan kehidupan manusia sekurangnya sejak 3500 tahun yang lalu. Ketika itu orang Mesir kuno telah menggunakan kucing untuk mengusir hama tikus dan hewan pengerat lainnya dari hasil panen mereka. Namun, percaya atau tidak, di dunia ini hanya terdapat 1% populasi kucing di dunia yang termasuk galur murni atau kucing ras. Sisanya adalah kucing hasil pencampuran dari berbagai ras atau biasa yang kita sebut sebagai kucing kampung. Karena itu, kucing ras termasuk kucing yang paling sering dicari dan mahal harganya.
Di Indonesia, suara kucing sering ditulis dengan kata “Meong”. Dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan di Amerika, suara kucing sering ditulis dengan “Meow”. Di negara Inggris sendiri, suara kucing ditulis “Miaow”. Kalau bahasa Jepang sering ditulis dengan kata “Nya”.
Kucing biasanya memiliki berat badan antara 2,5 hingga 7 kg dan jarang melebihi 10 kg, kecuali diberi makan berlebih, si pussy bisa mencapai berat badan 23 kg. Dalam penangkaran, kucing dapat hidup selama 15 hingga 20 tahun, dimana kucing tertua pernah diketahui berusia 36 tahun! Kucing liar yang hidup di lingkungan urban modern hanya mampu hidup selama 2 tahun atau bahkan kurang dari itu.
Kucing termasuk hewan yang sangat bersih. Mereka sering merawat diri dengan menjilati rambut mereka. Saliva atau air liur mereka adalah agen pembersih yang kuat. tapi dapat memicu alergi pada manusia. Kadangkala kucing memuntahkan semacam hairball atau gulungan rambut yang terkumpul di dalam perutnya. Sementara itukucing dapat menyimpan energi dengan cara tidur lebih sering ketimbang hewan lain. Lama tidur kucing bervariasi antara 12 – 16 jam per hari, dengan angka rata-rata 13 – 14 jam. Tapi tidak jarang dijumpai kucing yang tidur selama 20 jam dalam satu hari!
Percaya atau tidak, di abad pertengahan kucing dianggap berasosiasi dengan penyihir dan sering dibunuh dengan cara dibakar dan dilempar dari tempat tinggi. Sejumlah ahli sejarah percaya bahwa wabah Black Death atau wabah pes menyebar dengan cepat di Eropa pada abad ke-14 akibat tahyul itu. Hal itu disebabkan banyaknya pembunuhan kucing yang dilakukan sehingga meningkatkan populasi tikus yang membawa wabah pes tersebut.
11 Delicious Marshmallow Pictures
Image by Flickr user SliceOfChic, used under a Creative Commons License.
Image by Flickr user Terriko, used under a Creative Commons License.
Image by Flickr user gitsul, used under a Creative Commons License.
Image by Flickr user jillmotts, used under a Creative Commons License.
Image by Flickr user jensteele, used under a Creative Commons License.
Image by Flickr user JustyCinMD, used under a Creative Commons License.
Image by Flickr user jamieanne, used under a Creative Commons License.
Image by Flickr user Leslie Kalohi /, used under a Creative Commons License.
Image by Flickr user newwavegurly, used under a Creative Commons License.
Image by Flickr user MookieLuv, used under a Creative Commons License.
Image by Flickr user panavatar, used under a Creative Commons License.
Tahukah Kamu, Fakta Seputar Pensil
1. Pensil pertama kali diciptakan pada tahun 1565 di Inggris, tetapi baru seabad kemudian diproduksi secara massal di Jerman.
2. Setiap tahun diproduksi 14 miliar batang pensil di seluruh dunia. Yang terbanyak di Amerika Serikat (2 miliar batang). Jika semua pensil itu digunakan untuk membuat garis, akan tercipta 64 garis keliling dunia.
3. Satu batang pensil bisa menulis 40 ribu kata atau setara dengan garis sepanjang 35 mil.
4. Awalnya pensil dipakai untuk menandai kambing. Sifat graphite (bahan dasar pensil) yang lunak membuat para peternak mudah menorehkan marka di kulit kambing.
5. Pada 30 Maret 1858, manusia menciptakan penghapus. Sebagian besar pensil Eropa tidak menggunakan penghapus di pantatnya. Tidak seperti pensil di Amerika yang menggunakan penghapus.
6. Setiap batang pohon dengan ukuran rata-rata akan menghasilkan 170 ribu batang pensil.
7. Pensil terbesar dibuat oleh Ashrita Furman di New York. Panjangnya 23 m, berat 10 ton, dan harganya AS$ 20 ribu.
8. Pensil diberi warna cerah agar mudah ditemukan. Pensil kini berbentuk heksagonal (bukan bulat) agar tidak menggelinding di bidang datar.
9. Peraut pensil pertama kali dibuat dan dipatenkan oleh matematikawan asal Prancis, Bernard Lassimone, pada tahun 1828. Sebelumnya orang meraut pensil menggunakan pisau.
Cara Menentukan Model Rambut dari Bentuk Wajah
Sering kita merasa bingung Ketika hendak ingin memotong rambut dengan gaya yang baru agar terlihat lebih fresh, sebelum kita menentukan model apa yang ingin kita terapkan ada baiknya nih kita mengenal jenis-jenis bentuk wajah kita agar tidak ada accident setelah proses pemotongan selesai.
Heart Shapes, bentuk wajah HATI
1 Rambut pendek akan lebih mempertegas bentuk wajah anda, Sedangkan tatanan rambut sedang dan panjang akan memberi keseimbangan yang baik pada rahang yang tegas dan dagu yang runcing.
2 Sama halnya dengan wajah oval, tatanan rambut yang terlalu tinggi di bagian atas tidak menguntungkan untuk wajah hati.
3 Hindari pula tatanan rambut samping yang terlalu berat, layers atau heavy waves pada sisi kanan dan kiri rambut, yang akan menghilangkan tulang pipi yang dramatis. Lebih baik pilih potongan yang ringan dan tdk terlalu bertekstur.
Bentuk wajah OVAL & model rambut
Ada beberapa tips yang perlu anda di terapkan:
1 Hindari sasak rambut yang terlalu tinggi sehingga membuat wajah terlihat semakin panjang.
2 Bentuk wajah yang oval cenderung seimbang dan proporsional, sehingga hampir semua potongan rambut bisa untuk wajah oval di banding bentuk wajah lainnya.
3 Kali ini tatanan rambut yang sedang In untuk wajah oval adalah : bob layer, beachy waves dan shoulder shags.
4 Akan terlihat lebih menarik apabila tatanan rambut agak ke atas atau jauh dari wajah sehingga memperlihatkan bentuk wajah yang oval.
5 Hindari juga penggunaan poni yang terlalu banyak atau berat.
Bentuk wajah BULAT & model rambut
Adapun tips yang bisa anda lakukan:
1 Beri sedikit volume pada bagian atas rambut atau dekat wajah. Seperti layers poni panjang atau poni samping akan membuat wajah tampak lebih panjang.
2 Berbeda dengan Oval, wajah bulat memerlukan tatanan rambut atas penuh atau sasak yang lebih tinggi agar wajah tampak lebih panjang.
3 Hindari gaya rambut yang juga bulat dan sepanjang dagu. Sehingga membuat wajah lebih bulat.
4 Selain itu, hindari potongan rambut yang tebal di bagian kuping dan pipi, karena akan membuat rambut tampak lebih lebar.
Bentuk wajah KOTAK & model rambut
Adapun tips lainnya:
1 Bila rambut anda sangat lurus dan panjang, lakukan body wave yang dapat memberikan efek ikal atau gelombang pada rambut . hal ini dapat memberi keseimbangan pada bentuk wajah yang satu ini.
2 Bila rambut Anda sangat ikal cenderung keriting, disarankan menipiskan rambut agar tidak terlalu penuh di wajah Anda.
3 Hindari rambut lurus dan rata sepanjang rahang yang membuat rahang lebih lebar dan tidak proporsional.
4 Bila ingin gaya rambut Bob atau pendek yang sedang in tambahkan layer.
Imagine Dragons On Top Of The World lyrics
If you love somebody
Better tell them while they're here 'cause
They may just run away from you
You'll never know what went well
Then again it just depends on
How long of time is left for you
I've had the highest mountains
I've had the deepest rivers
You can have it all but not til you prove it
Now take it in but don't look down
'Cause I'm on top of the world, 'ay
I'm on top of the world, 'ay
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile, 'ay
Been holding it in for a while, 'ay
Take it with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world.
I've tried to cut these corners
Try to take the easy way out
I kept on falling short of something
I coulda gave up then but
Then again I couldn't have 'cause
I've traveled all this way for something
Now take it in but don't look down
'Cause I'm on top of the world, 'ay
I'm on top of the world, 'ay
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile, 'ay
Been holding it in for a while, 'ay
Take it with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world.
'Cause I'm on top of the world, 'ay
I'm on top of the world, 'ay
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile, 'ay
Been holding it in for a while, 'ay
Take it with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
And I know it's hard when you're falling down
And it's a long way up when you hit the ground
Get up now, get up, get up now.
Better tell them while they're here 'cause
They may just run away from you
You'll never know what went well
Then again it just depends on
How long of time is left for you
I've had the highest mountains
I've had the deepest rivers
You can have it all but not til you prove it
Now take it in but don't look down
'Cause I'm on top of the world, 'ay
I'm on top of the world, 'ay
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile, 'ay
Been holding it in for a while, 'ay
Take it with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world.
I've tried to cut these corners
Try to take the easy way out
I kept on falling short of something
I coulda gave up then but
Then again I couldn't have 'cause
I've traveled all this way for something
Now take it in but don't look down
'Cause I'm on top of the world, 'ay
I'm on top of the world, 'ay
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile, 'ay
Been holding it in for a while, 'ay
Take it with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
I'm on top of the world.
'Cause I'm on top of the world, 'ay
I'm on top of the world, 'ay
Waiting on this for a while now
Paying my dues to the dirt
I've been waiting to smile, 'ay
Been holding it in for a while, 'ay
Take it with me if I can
Been dreaming of this since a child
And I know it's hard when you're falling down
And it's a long way up when you hit the ground
Get up now, get up, get up now.
OneRepublic All Fall Down lyrics
Step out the door and it feels like rain
That's the sound, that's the sound on your windowpane
Take to the streets but you can't ignore
That's the sound, that's the sound, you're waiting for
If ever your wold starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
That's where you'll find me
God love your soul and your aching bones
Take a breath, take a step, meet me down below
Everyone's the same, our fingers to our toes
We just can't get it right, but we're on the road
If ever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
That's where you'll find me
Lost till you're found, swim till you drown
Know that we all fall down
Love till you hate, strong till you break
Know that we all fall down
If ever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
That's where you'll find me
Lost till you're found, swim till you drown
Know that we all fall down
Love till you hate, strong till you break
Know that we all fall down
All fall down, all fall down
All fall down, all fall down
All fall down, all fall down
Lost till you're found, swim till you drown
Know that we all fall down
Love till you hate, strong till you break
Know that we all fall down
That's the sound, that's the sound on your windowpane
Take to the streets but you can't ignore
That's the sound, that's the sound, you're waiting for
If ever your wold starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
That's where you'll find me
God love your soul and your aching bones
Take a breath, take a step, meet me down below
Everyone's the same, our fingers to our toes
We just can't get it right, but we're on the road
If ever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
That's where you'll find me
Lost till you're found, swim till you drown
Know that we all fall down
Love till you hate, strong till you break
Know that we all fall down
If ever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
Whenever your world starts crashing down
That's where you'll find me
Lost till you're found, swim till you drown
Know that we all fall down
Love till you hate, strong till you break
Know that we all fall down
All fall down, all fall down
All fall down, all fall down
All fall down, all fall down
Lost till you're found, swim till you drown
Know that we all fall down
Love till you hate, strong till you break
Know that we all fall down
David Guetta Just One Last Time lyrics
This is the end, Sasha
But I can't move away from you
This is the edge of patience
But you won't prove yourself to me
So you drain my soul and
Even though it hurts I can't slow down
Walls are closing in and I hit the ground
Whispers of tomorrow echo in my mind
Just one last time
Even though it hurts I can't slow down
Walls are closing in and I hit the ground
Whispers of tomorrow echo in my mind
Just one last time
Just one last time
Just one last time
Just one last time
There comes for us too bad
Then we go back to the sound
And I know what I'm supposed to do
To get myself away from you
Oh you drain my soul and
Even though it hurts I can't slow down
Walls are closing in and I hit the ground
With there's no tomorrow echo in my mind
Just one last time
Just one last time
Just one last time
Just one last time
This is the end, Sasha
But I can't move away from you
But I can't move away from you
This is the edge of patience
But you won't prove yourself to me
So you drain my soul and
Even though it hurts I can't slow down
Walls are closing in and I hit the ground
Whispers of tomorrow echo in my mind
Just one last time
Even though it hurts I can't slow down
Walls are closing in and I hit the ground
Whispers of tomorrow echo in my mind
Just one last time
Just one last time
Just one last time
Just one last time
There comes for us too bad
Then we go back to the sound
And I know what I'm supposed to do
To get myself away from you
Oh you drain my soul and
Even though it hurts I can't slow down
Walls are closing in and I hit the ground
With there's no tomorrow echo in my mind
Just one last time
Just one last time
Just one last time
Just one last time
This is the end, Sasha
But I can't move away from you
Will I Am This Is Love lyrics
If you love it like I love it
And you feel what I feel inside
If you want it like I want it
Then baby let's get it tonight
If you feel it, say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
This is love, this is love, this is love
[Eva Simons]
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love, this is love
[Beat break]
This is love for the beats
Steal it in the streets
Love for the melody, no song is cheap
The dope crusader, funky terminator
I created me a rocker just so we could rock it later
And the wait up beat is knocking
Got me feeling, alright, cause the dj got me walking on a steeler
I got a rocket full of gold, mami's just gold
I fill it up and love it, and then I watch it explode
If you love it like I love it
And you feel what I feel inside
If you want it like I want it
Then baby let's get it tonight
If you feel it, say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
This is love, this is love, this is love
[Eva Simons]
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love for the bass, and love for the treble
Love for the orchestra, violinchello,
Love for computer beat, hotter than metal
House beat housing, bouncing in the ghetto
We sip till we smash it, feeling alright
And we rock the ghetto blaster, rocking all night
I sent a rocket to the globe, armor just stole
I fill it up and love it, and then I watch it explode
Eh, baby, yeah, alright
Can you feel it?
Good god, yeah, alright
[Eva Simons]
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
And you feel what I feel inside
If you want it like I want it
Then baby let's get it tonight
If you feel it, say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
This is love, this is love, this is love
[Eva Simons]
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love, this is love
[Beat break]
This is love for the beats
Steal it in the streets
Love for the melody, no song is cheap
The dope crusader, funky terminator
I created me a rocker just so we could rock it later
And the wait up beat is knocking
Got me feeling, alright, cause the dj got me walking on a steeler
I got a rocket full of gold, mami's just gold
I fill it up and love it, and then I watch it explode
If you love it like I love it
And you feel what I feel inside
If you want it like I want it
Then baby let's get it tonight
If you feel it, say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
Say hell yeah (hell yeah)
This is love, this is love, this is love
[Eva Simons]
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love for the bass, and love for the treble
Love for the orchestra, violinchello,
Love for computer beat, hotter than metal
House beat housing, bouncing in the ghetto
We sip till we smash it, feeling alright
And we rock the ghetto blaster, rocking all night
I sent a rocket to the globe, armor just stole
I fill it up and love it, and then I watch it explode
Eh, baby, yeah, alright
Can you feel it?
Good god, yeah, alright
[Eva Simons]
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
This is love, this is love, this is love
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Can you feel the love?
Rihanna We Found Love lyrics
Yellow diamonds in the light
Now we’re standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
What it takes to come alive
It’s the way I’m feeling I just can’t deny
But I’ve gotta let it go
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
Shine a light through an open door
Love a life I will divide
Turn away 'cause I need you more
Feel the heartbeat in my mind
It’s the way I’m feeling I just can’t deny
But I’ve gotta let it go
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
Yellow diamonds in the light
Now we’re standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
Now we’re standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
What it takes to come alive
It’s the way I’m feeling I just can’t deny
But I’ve gotta let it go
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
Shine a light through an open door
Love a life I will divide
Turn away 'cause I need you more
Feel the heartbeat in my mind
It’s the way I’m feeling I just can’t deny
But I’ve gotta let it go
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
Yellow diamonds in the light
Now we’re standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place
Calvin Harris Drinking From The Bottle lyrics
I can pay for everything that's on you
So everything is on me
Got them girls gone Cindy Lauper Gaga and a little Blondie
If you ain't drunk, then you in the wrong club
Don't feel sexy, you're on the wrong beat
Tell the bar that we don't want no glass
Just bottles and i'm buying everybody one each
Yes so bring the verve clicko
We about to hit the big 3.O
Party like it's Carnival in Rio
Life's too short, I need a V.O
Yo, we live, we die, we give, we try, we kiss, we fight
All so we can have a good time
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
Who's wearing something new and something old
And something borrowed
I know this crazy life can be a bitter pill to swallow
So forget about tomorrow
Tonight, we're drinking from the bottle
[Beat break]
We're drinking from the bottle
[Beat break]
Yo, as long they ain't getting it wrong then everything is alright
Got the girls going Heidi klume, the Kardashians, Rihanna, all tights
If you ain't lean, then you in the wrong scene
If you ain't high, then you not on my vibe
Tell the bar that we don't need to sparklers or nothin',
Keep the bottles coming all night
Yes so bring the verve clicko
We about to hit the big 3.O
Party like it's Carnival in Rio
Life's too short, I need a vo
Yo, we live, we die, we give, we try, we kiss, we fight
All so we can have a good time
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
Who's wearing something new and something old
And something borrowed
I know this crazy life can be a bitter pill to swallow
So forget about tomorrow
Tonight, we're drinking from the bottle
[Beat break]
We're drinking from the bottle
[Beat break]
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
So forget about tomorrow
Tonight,we're drinking from the bottle
We're drinking from the bottle
We're drinking from the bottle...
So everything is on me
Got them girls gone Cindy Lauper Gaga and a little Blondie
If you ain't drunk, then you in the wrong club
Don't feel sexy, you're on the wrong beat
Tell the bar that we don't want no glass
Just bottles and i'm buying everybody one each
Yes so bring the verve clicko
We about to hit the big 3.O
Party like it's Carnival in Rio
Life's too short, I need a V.O
Yo, we live, we die, we give, we try, we kiss, we fight
All so we can have a good time
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
Who's wearing something new and something old
And something borrowed
I know this crazy life can be a bitter pill to swallow
So forget about tomorrow
Tonight, we're drinking from the bottle
[Beat break]
We're drinking from the bottle
[Beat break]
Yo, as long they ain't getting it wrong then everything is alright
Got the girls going Heidi klume, the Kardashians, Rihanna, all tights
If you ain't lean, then you in the wrong scene
If you ain't high, then you not on my vibe
Tell the bar that we don't need to sparklers or nothin',
Keep the bottles coming all night
Yes so bring the verve clicko
We about to hit the big 3.O
Party like it's Carnival in Rio
Life's too short, I need a vo
Yo, we live, we die, we give, we try, we kiss, we fight
All so we can have a good time
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
Who's wearing something new and something old
And something borrowed
I know this crazy life can be a bitter pill to swallow
So forget about tomorrow
Tonight, we're drinking from the bottle
[Beat break]
We're drinking from the bottle
[Beat break]
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
I'm in it busy looking for the next top model
So forget about tomorrow
Tonight,we're drinking from the bottle
We're drinking from the bottle
We're drinking from the bottle...
OneRepublic If I Lose Myself lyrics
Through the wall next to me…
You can feel the light start to tremble
Watch what you know out the sea…
You can see the life out of the window, tonight…
If I lose myself tonight
It will be by your side
If I lose myself tonight…
Woooh, woooh, woooh!
If I lose myself tonight
It will be you and I…
Lose myself tonight
Your star in me keep shining
40 000 feet keep flying…
Your star in me keep shining
40 000 feet keep flying…
Your star in me keep shining
40 000 feet keep flying…
Your star in me keep shining
40 000 feet keep flying
You can feel the light start to tremble
Watch what you know out the sea…
You can see the life out of the window, tonight…
If I lose myself tonight
It will be by your side
If I lose myself tonight…
Woooh, woooh, woooh!
If I lose myself tonight
It will be you and I…
Lose myself tonight
Your star in me keep shining
40 000 feet keep flying…
Your star in me keep shining
40 000 feet keep flying…
Your star in me keep shining
40 000 feet keep flying…
Your star in me keep shining
40 000 feet keep flying
Will I Am Scream & Shout lyrics
Bring the action
When your hear us in the club
You gotta turn the shit up
You gotta turn the shit up
You gotta turn the shit up
When we up in the club
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
See the boys in the club
They watching us
They watching us
They watching us
Everybody in the club
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
You are now now rocking with
and Britney bitch
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Bring the action
Rock and roll
Everybody let's lose control
On the bottom we let it go
Going faster, we ain't going slow-low-low
Hey yo
Hear the beat, now let's hit the floor
Drink it up and then drink some more
Light it up and let's let it blow
Hey yo
Rock it out and rock it now
If you know what we talking bout
Turn it up and burn down the house ha house
Hey yo
Turn it up and go turn it down
Here we go we go shake it
Cause everywhere we go we
Bring the action
When your hear us in the club
You gotta turn the shit up
You gotta turn the shit up
You gotta turn the shit up
When we up in the club
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
You see them girls in the club
They looking at us
They looking at us
They looking at us
Everybody in the club
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
You are now now rocking with
and Britney bitch
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Bring the action
It goes on and on and on and on
When me and you party together
I wish this night would last forever
Cause I was feeling down and now feel better
It goes on and on and on and on
When me and you party together
I wish this night would last forever
Ever ever ever ever
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
You are now now rocking with
and Britney bitch
When your hear us in the club
You gotta turn the shit up
You gotta turn the shit up
You gotta turn the shit up
When we up in the club
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
See the boys in the club
They watching us
They watching us
They watching us
Everybody in the club
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
You are now now rocking with
and Britney bitch
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Bring the action
Rock and roll
Everybody let's lose control
On the bottom we let it go
Going faster, we ain't going slow-low-low
Hey yo
Hear the beat, now let's hit the floor
Drink it up and then drink some more
Light it up and let's let it blow
Hey yo
Rock it out and rock it now
If you know what we talking bout
Turn it up and burn down the house ha house
Hey yo
Turn it up and go turn it down
Here we go we go shake it
Cause everywhere we go we
Bring the action
When your hear us in the club
You gotta turn the shit up
You gotta turn the shit up
You gotta turn the shit up
When we up in the club
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
You see them girls in the club
They looking at us
They looking at us
They looking at us
Everybody in the club
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
All eyes on us
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
You are now now rocking with
and Britney bitch
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Bring the action
It goes on and on and on and on
When me and you party together
I wish this night would last forever
Cause I was feeling down and now feel better
It goes on and on and on and on
When me and you party together
I wish this night would last forever
Ever ever ever ever
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
I wanna scream and shout and let it all out
I wanna scream and shout and let it out
We say oh we oh we oh we oh
You are now now rocking with
and Britney bitch
Miss A - I Don't Need A Man English Translation
This is for all the independent ladies
Let’s go
Let’s go
I can be good without a man
So don’t come by me
if you are not sure
I don’t sell myself to anyone
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (what?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (really?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (truly)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man
I can be good without a man
So don’t come by me
if you are not sure
I don’t sell myself to anyone
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (what?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (really?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (truly)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man
I can be good without a man
I paid all the rent
All the food and all the clothing with my money
It’s not enough but I’m satisfied
That’s why I love myself (hey)
All the food and all the clothing with my money
It’s not enough but I’m satisfied
That’s why I love myself (hey)
I don’t wanna spend my parents’ money
As if it’s mine and I’m old enough
I shouldn’t ask for it to them
That’s why I feel honorable (hey)
As if it’s mine and I’m old enough
I shouldn’t ask for it to them
That’s why I feel honorable (hey)
Boy don’t say
I’ll take care of you I’ll care for you No No
Boy don’t play
If you’re not serious
I’ll take care of you I’ll care for you No No
Boy don’t play
If you’re not serious
I can be good without a man
So don’t come by me
if you are not sure
I don’t sell myself to anyone
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (what?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (really?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (truly)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man
I can be good without a man
So don’t come by me
if you are not sure
I don’t sell myself to anyone
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (what?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (really?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (truly)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man
I can be good without a man
Don’t put on airs It might work
Somewhere else but I’m full of confidence
As much as you’re tough I’m not good enough
That’s why I love myself (hey)
Somewhere else but I’m full of confidence
As much as you’re tough I’m not good enough
That’s why I love myself (hey)
I’m gonna live for myself I don’t care about living a good life
Like other kids do with rich parents and a rich man
Living a comfy life
That’s why I feel honorable (hey)
Like other kids do with rich parents and a rich man
Living a comfy life
That’s why I feel honorable (hey)
Boy don’t say
I’m your future belive and rely on me No No
Boy don’t play
If you’re not gonna respect me
I’m your future belive and rely on me No No
Boy don’t play
If you’re not gonna respect me
I can be good without a man
So don’t come by me
if you are not sure
I don’t sell myself to anyone
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (what?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (really?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (truly)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man
I can be good without a man
So don’t come by me
if you are not sure
I don’t sell myself to anyone
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (what?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (really?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (truly)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man
I can be good without a man
I wake up every morning
Have a busy day
And don’t have time
to have one good meal
But I started it because I liked it
It’s not a good pay but it’s all my sweat
It’s not a ring my boyfriend gave to me
My car, my clothe, all I paid for them
I bought them after installment savings
and giving money to my parents
What if the man leaves you when you trust him?
Do you envy me?
Then you lost
Have a busy day
And don’t have time
to have one good meal
But I started it because I liked it
It’s not a good pay but it’s all my sweat
It’s not a ring my boyfriend gave to me
My car, my clothe, all I paid for them
I bought them after installment savings
and giving money to my parents
What if the man leaves you when you trust him?
Do you envy me?
Then you lost
I can be good without a man
So don’t come by me
if you are not sure
I don’t sell myself to anyone
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (what?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (really?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (truly)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man
I can be good without a man
So don’t come by me
if you are not sure
I don’t sell myself to anyone
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (what?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (really?)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (truly)
I don’t need a man I don’t need a man
I can be good without a man
Miss A - I Don't Need A Man
[Romanization] | |
This is for all the independent ladies Let’s go
naneun namja eobsi jal sara
geureoni jasini eobseu myeon nae gyeote ojireul ma naneun hamburo nal an para waenya myeon nan I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (What?) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (jinjja) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (jeongmal) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man naneun namja eobsi jal jal sara
nae doneuro bangse da nae
meoggo sipeun geo sa meoggo otdo sa ibgo chung bun hajin anhjiman manjoghal jul ara geuraeseo nan nareul saranghae (hey)
bumo nimui yongdon nae don cheoreom
sseugo sipji anha naiga manha son beolliji anhneun ge dang yeonhan geo anya geureseo nan naega tteot tteotae (hey)
Boy don’t say
naega chaeng gyeo julge naega akkyeo julge No No Boy don’t play jinji hage ol ge animyeon
naneun namja eobsi jal sara
geureoni jasini eobseu myeon nae gyeote ojireul ma naneun hamburo nal an para waenya myeon nan I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (What?) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (jinjja) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (jeongmal) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man naneun namja eobsi jal jal sara
jalnan cheneun andwae ttan deseo neun
tonghalji mollado neo mankeum nado jalnajin anhat jiman jasin gameun neomchyeo geuraeseo nan nareul saranghae (hey)
nae himeuro salge ttan ae cheoreom
bumonim jal manna namja jal manna pyeon hage saneun geo gwansimi eobseo geuraeseo nan naega tteot tteotae (hey)
Boy don’t say
naega neoui mirae nareul midgo gidae No No Boy don’t play nareul jonjung hal ge animyeon
naneun namja eobsi jal sara
geureoni jasini eobseu myeon nae gyeote ojireul ma naneun hamburo nal an para waenya myeon nan I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (What?) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (jinjja) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (jeongmal) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man naneun namja eobsi jal jal sara
maeil achim il jjig ireon aseo
haru jongil bappaseo bab han kki jedaero mot meogeo hajiman naega johaseo han iriya doniya jag jiman da nae ttamiya namja chinguga sa jun banji aniya nae cha nae ot naega beoreoseo san geoya jeoggeum neohgo bumonim yongdon deurigo naseo san geoya namja midgo nolda namja tteona myeon eotteokal geoya ireon naega bureowo? bureou myeon jin geoya
naneun namja eobsi jal sara
geureoni jasini eobseu myeon nae gyeote ojireul ma naneun hamburo nal an para waenya myeon nan I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (What?) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (jinjja) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man (jeongmal) I don’t need a man I don’t need a man naneun namja eobsi jal jal sara
10 Tips Agar Wajah Tetap Cantik
Berikut ini 10 cara mudah mendapatkan kulit wajah yang sehat dengan bahan alami
1. Tepuk wajah kain yang dibasahi dengan air hangat untuk membuka pori-pori. Kemudian oleskan madu pada wajah dan diamkan selama 15 hingga 30 menit. Bilas dengan air hangat, kemudian tepuk-tepuk wajah dengan kain yang dibasahi air dingin
2. Buatlah masker dengan kuning telur mentah. Aplikasikan kuning telur pada wajah dan leher, diamkan selama 30 menit, bilas dengan air dingin.
3. Anda juga bisa membuat masker dengan putih telur. Aplikasikan putih telur pada wajah dan diamkan hingga putih telur mengering di wajah, baru kemudian Anda hangatkan.
4. Untuk cara yang lebih mudah, Anda bisa menggunakan anggur. Cukup potong sebuah anggur menjadi dua, kemudian gosokkan dagingnya pada wajah. Setelah merata, bilas dengan air dingin.
5. Tumbuk pisang yang sudah terlalu matang hingga haslus, kemudian oleskan keseluruh wajah. Diamkan selama 15 hingga 30 menit, kemudian bilas dengan air hangat.
6. Yogurt tanpa rasa juga bisa digunakan untuk menyegarkan dan melembabkan wajah. Oleskan yogurt pada wajah dan diamkan selama 15 hingga 20 menit sebelum dibilas dengan air dingin.
7. Jika Anda memiliki bibir yang pecah-pecah, oleskan minyak zaitun sebelum tidur. Biarkan semalaman dan dapatkan bibir lebih lembab dikeesokan harinya.
8. Hancurkan alpukat lalu oleskan pada wajah. Biarkan selama 10 menit, kemudian bilas dengan air dingin. Alpukat baik untuk kesehatan dan keremajaan kulit.
9. Siapkan susu pada sebuah wadah, kemudian sedikit celupkan cotton bud atau kapas dan terapkan pada wajah. Biarkan hingga Anda merasa kulit wajah jadi lebih kencang dan bersihkan dengan air hangat. Rasakan kulit wajah menjadi lebih lembut.
10. Gunakan baking soda untuk mengangkat kulit mati dengan mencampurkannya dengan cleanser harian Anda.
Manfaat Mengepalkan Tangan
Berdasarkan penelitian, mengepalkan tangan selama beberapa saat bisa meningkatkan kontrol diri dan tekad anda saat mengalami masa tidak menyenangkan. Orang yang menghadapi tugas tidak menyenangkan mulai dari minum obat sampai mengatasi kabar buruk bisa mengurangi masa-masa menyakitkan ini dengan menegangkan otot mereka.
Penemuan itu berdasarkan penelitian yang dipublikasikan di Journal of Consumer Research Penelitian dilakukan oleh Iris Huang dari National University of Singapore dan Aparna Labroo dari University of Chicago. Mereka menempatkan sekumpulan relawan melalui serangkaian dilema yang melibatkan penerimaan rasa sakit jangka panjang selama pencapaian jangka panjang. Aktivitas itu termasuk meletakkan tangan dalam air dingin, minum cuka encer, menonton amal dan pantang makanan tidak sehat.
Para penulis menemukan para partisipan yang memperketat otot pada saat menghadapi pergulatan di dalam lebih mampu menahan rasa sakit atau kegelisahan dan menolak makanan yang menggiurkan.
“Para partisipan yang diinstruksikan mengencangkan otot-otot mereka, tanpa memperhatikan otot mana yang mereka kencangkan, tangan, jari, betis atau bisep, saat berusaha mengerahkan pengendalian diri menunjukkan kemampuan lebih besar untuk menahan rasa sakit, mengonsumsi obat-obatan yang tak menyenangkan atau menghadapi makanan menggoda,” tulis mereka.
Saat relawan terlalu lama tegang sebelumnya mereka merasa lelah saat mereka harus membuat pilihan. Pengaruhnya juga bergantung pada pilihan yang selaras dengan tujuan para partisipan. Jadi para partisipan minum cuka yang tak menyenangkan lebih banyak bila mereka sudah mengatakan mereka menginginkan gaya hidup lebih sehat.
“Pikiran dan jiwa juga terikat bersama secara dekat, hanya mengepalkan otot-otot bisa menghidupkan tekad. Jadi hanya terlibat dalam tindakan-tindakan tubuh, bisa berfungsi sebagai sumber tanpa kesadaran untuk memicu kemauan,” demikian kesimpulan para peneliti.
8 Ciri Orang Melakukan Operasi Plastik
Banyak orang yang telah melakukan permak wajahnya namun menyangkal telah melakukan operasi plastik. Untuk memastikannya gampang sekali, karena ada 8 tanda yang menunjukkan seseorang telah dioperasi plastik yang sulit disangkal.
Beberapa orang terkadang tidak mau mengakui bahwa dirinya sudah melakukan operasi plastik di wajahnya. Tapi kini masyarakat bisa mengetahui apakah seseorang melakukan operasi plastik atau tidak.
Seperti dikutip dari CBSNews Dr Anthony Youn, seorang ahli bedah kosmetik di Troy, Michigan menuturkan ada 8 tanda operasi plastik, yaitu:
1. Lihatlah ke telinga
Cobalah berbisik dan amati telinganya, karena tidak ada operasi plastik wajah yang tidak meninggalkan bekas luka di telinga. Kadang-kadang transisi kulit dari telinga terlihat jelas atau ada kulit menebal akibat bekas luka.
2. Memiliki wajah ‘tampak jahat’
Jika seseoang sebelumnya terlihat baik, lalu tiba-tiba memiliki wajah seperti orang marah maka ada kemungkinan hal tersebut akibat botox. Suntikan botox di dahi bisa mendistorsi alis, Dr Youn menyebutnya dengan wajah ‘tampak jahat’. Hal ini bisa diperbaiki oleh suntikan lagi di atas alis.
3. Tidak memiliki kulit kendur meski berusia di atas 60 tahun
Dr Youn menuturkan hampir semua orang yang berusia di atas 60 tahun memiliki beberapa kulit kendur atau kulit melipat di kelopak mata atas. Jadi kalau ada orang yang matanya bisa tertutup dan terbuka dengan lebar, maka kemungkinan ia sudah melakukan operasi plastik.
4. Seperti ada kismis di telinga
Selama operasi face lift (pengencangan wajah), terkadang ahli bedah melepaskan daun telinga dari wajah dan menarik kulit dengan ketat kemudian memasang kembali daun telinga tersebut. Jika tidak dilakukan dengan benar, maka akan ada kerutan kecil seperti kismis di bagian telinga tersebut. Untuk memperbaikinya perlu pembedahan kembali.
5. Wajah seperti membengkak
Meskipun jarang ditemukan, tapi ada beberapa orang yang terlihat lebih muda tapi memiliki wajah membengkak seperti terisi angin. Kondisi ini bisa akibat terlalu banyak menyuntikkan lemak, sehingga harus diatasi dengan cara sedot lemak.
6. Memiliki hidung seperti kelinci
Ketika seseorang tersenyum dan hidungnya terlihat seperti kelinci, ada kemungkinan ia menyuntikkan botox ke dalam jembatan di hidung. Hal ini untuk menyingkirkan bentuk aneh atau bentuk mengisut dari hidung.
7. Tidak memiliki leher seperti kalkun
Dr Youn menuturkan seseorang yang sudah berusia di atas 50 tahun, hampir semuanya memiliki kulit seperti leher kalkun jantan di lehernya. Jadi jika ia tidak memiliki itu, ada kemungkinan ia telah melakukan operasi plastik.
8. Memiliki bentuk bibir seperti mencibir
Dr Youn menjelaskan biasanya bibir bawah seseorang lebih besar 50 persen dibandingkan dengan bibir atasnya. Jadi jika ada seseorang yang terlihat memiliki bibir atas lebih besar, ada kemungkinan merupakan variasi dari hasil suntikan silikon.
Fungsi Rambut Pada Manusia
1. Pada Kepala
Fungsi rambut adalah untuk melindungi kulit kepala dari sengatan matahari dan hawa dingin. Sedangkan rambut yang ada di kepala anda berjumlah tidak kurang dari 100.000 helai rambut dan setiap helai tumbuh dalam waktu 2 hingga 6 tahun. Tetapi rambut akan mengalami kerontokan setiap hari, 50 hingga 100 helai, namun rambut baru akan tumbuh.
2. Pada Mata
Fungsi alis dan bulu mata selain untuk keindahan dan kecantikan adalah untuk menahan keringat dan hujan yang mengenai dahi kemudian ke mata. Alis mata juga dapat memperdalam karakter wajah Anda sesungguhnya.
3. Pada Hidung
Dengan adanya rambut pada hidung, maka bakteri, jamur, debu ataupun spora yang masuk kedalam hidung akan terhambat dan tersaring. Tidak hanya itu saja, rambut pada hidung juga berfungsi meningkatkan kelembaban udara yang dihirup. Hal ini sangat penting untuk proses respirasi lanjutan.
4. Kumis, Janggut, bulu dada dan perut
Fungsi kumis dan jenggot itu adalah sebagai tanda kelamin sekunder buat lelaki yang sudah dewasa, atau dengan kata lain, sebagai salah satu pembeda antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Seperti halnya kumis dan jenggot, fungsi rambut pada dada dan perut adalah sebagai tanda kelamin sekunder buat lelaki yang sudah dewasa.
5. Pada ketiak
Seperti halnya rambut badan yang lain, rambut pada ketiak biasanya mulai tumbuh pada masa pubertas dan pertumbuhannya biasanya sampai pada akhir usia remaja, yakni 18-20 tahun. Perembesan feromon dari ketiak pada tingkat perkembangan manusia menunjukkan kaitan antara rambut ketiak dengan keseksualan. Respons positif terhadap rangsangan olfaktori di dalam mamalia dan desakan seks yang kuat yang disebabkan oleh perembesan feromon memberi petunjuk yang berguna mengenai tujuan dan kepentingan rambut ketiak kepada manusia. Pernah dikatakan bahawa rambut itu sendiri bertindak sebagai sifat “anti-geseran” semula jadi antara lengan atas dengan toraks. Lebih penting lagi, rambut ketiak secara semula jadi mengusir kelembapan dari kulit yang membantu kulit supaya cukup kering bagi mencegah berkembangnya bakteria yang mengeluarkan bau.
6. Pada Tangan dan Kaki
Fungsi rambut kaki dan tangan adalah sebagai alat sensor yang paling mujarab. Misal kaki kita berjalan di semak belukar. Hal yang direspon oleh kaki kita adalah banyak. Mulai tumbuhan yang bikin gatal atau bisa merespon kalau ada ulat.
Rihanna Stay lyrics
All along it was a fever
A cold with high-headed believers
I threw my hands in the air I said show me something
He said, if you dare come a little closer
Round and around and around and around we go
Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know
Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can’t live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay
It’s not much of a life you’re living
It’s not just something you take, it’s given
Round and around and around and around we go
Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know
Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can’t live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay
Ohhh the reason I hold on
Ohhh cause I need this hole gone
Funny all the broken ones but I’m the only one who needed saving
Cause when you never see the lights it’s hard to know which one of us is caving
Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can’t live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay, stay
I want you to stay, ohhh
A cold with high-headed believers
I threw my hands in the air I said show me something
He said, if you dare come a little closer
Round and around and around and around we go
Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know
Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can’t live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay
It’s not much of a life you’re living
It’s not just something you take, it’s given
Round and around and around and around we go
Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know
Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can’t live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay
Ohhh the reason I hold on
Ohhh cause I need this hole gone
Funny all the broken ones but I’m the only one who needed saving
Cause when you never see the lights it’s hard to know which one of us is caving
Not really sure how to feel about it
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can’t live without you
It takes me all the way
I want you to stay, stay
I want you to stay, ohhh
[NEWS] EXO K & EXO M Sudah Menerima Popularitas Besar Di Jepang
Idol groups EXO-K dan EXO-M yang baru saja memulai debut baru mereka dalam industri ini minggu lalu, grup ini sudah menerima popularitas besar dan ketertarikan di luar negeri dan telah menduduki puncak penjualan sebuah toko kaset besar di tangga lagu di Jepang tanpa promosi sama sekali.
Mini album pertama EXO-K telah menduduki puncak tangga lagu harian di Tower Records Jepang yang merupakan salah satu chain toko musik terbesar dan counterpart mini album Cina EXO-M peringkat 2 dan kedua grup yang didominasi sisi chart secara berdampingan.
Grup ini telah memulai debutnya di Cina dan Korea dan bahkan belum debut album mereka atau dipromosikan di Jepang namun album mereka terjual dengan mudah. Grup ini juga dipuji karena penampilan live debut dan energik mereka. Lihat yang seperti ini adalah sangat berpotensi menjadi bintang hallyu yang besar.
Big Bang (빅뱅) – Love Dust (사랑먼지) Lyrics
Nae chinguga ne yaegireul hae
johaboyeotdan mare
gwaenhi hwareul nae
Eojjeomyeon ajikdo na ttaeme nega
himdeureohagil baraenneunji molla
Yojeum gakkeum nado moreuge
urigachi jeulgyeo deutdeon noraereul hae
Yet chueoge jamgin oneul gateun nal
iyueobsi bogosipeojineun bam
Geuttaen naega neomu eoryeoseo sarangi
eoryeowoseo neol piharyeogoman haetji
Nan budami dwaetgo bulmani dwaetjyo
kkeutnae neoreul ulligo
Oneuri jinamyeon neon sarajil meonji
sarangi mwonji
Na seulpeo boindamyeon nae nunmureun yeongi
chumchuneun yeongicheoreom
Naeirimyeon tto amureochi anke Haruga sijakdwae
neol itgosalgetjyo
Geujeo nega haengbokhaejigil naneun
Igoseseo namaseo useumyeo bireojulge
Hoksi gieokhani urideul cheoeum mannan nal
Sunsuhan miso gadeukhi Sauvignon Blanc
Neol hyanghan iyu eomneun sunjong
ttaeron geochimeopdeon chungdol
Ibyeori unmyeongiran hyeonsil ape
nae majimak bunno
Machim deullyeooneun radioeseo
gonggamdoeneun sayeon
Jigeum nae mamgwa ttokgatdamyeo
Hoksi nega anilkka saenggakhada jami wa
Siganeun cham ppalli ga neon jal isseulkka
Geuttaen naega neomu eoryeoseo
Sarangi eoryeowoseo domangchiryeogoman haetji
Gyeolguk budami dwaetgo bulmani dwaetjyo
Ijen neujeobeoryeotjiman
Oneuri jinamyeon neon sarajil meonji
sarangi mwonji
Na seulpeo boindamyeon nae nunmureun yeongi
chumchuneun yeongicheoreom
Naeirimyeon tto amureochi anke Haruga sijakdwae
neol itgo salgetjyo
Geujeo nega haengbokhaejigil naneun
Igoseseo namaseo useumyeo bireojulge
Eonjenga gireul jinada
uri dasi mannal geureon nari ondamyeon
Geu eonjenganeun seoro dareun saramgwa
haengbokhan moseubeuro useul su itge
so long
Oneuri jinamyeon neon sarajil meonji
sarangi mwonji
Na seulpeo boindamyeon nae nunmureun yeongi
chumchuneun yeongicheoreom
Naeirimyeon tto amureochi anke Haruga sijakdwae
neol itgo salgetjyo
Geujeo nega haengbokhaejigil naneun
Igoseseo namaseo useumyeo bireojulge
English Translation
My friend talked about you
When he said you looked good,
I got pointlessly angry
Maybe I still wanted you
to suffer because of me
These days, without knowing,
I sing the songs we used to listen to together
On days like this when I’m locked in old memories,
On nights when I miss you for no reason
I was too young back then
Love was hard so I tried to avoid you
It was too much pressure for me and so I was unhappy
So eventually, I made you cry
When today passes, you will disappear like dust –
what is love?
If I look sad, my tears are like smoke,
like dancing smoke
Tomorrow, my day will start like nothing is wrong
and I will forget you
I’ll just remain here, smiling,
as I pray that you will be happy
Do you remember the day we first met?
Innocent smiles filled with Sauvignon Blanc
My submission to you without reason
Sometimes, our strong clashes
When separation became our fate-like reality,
my last wrath
From the radio I hear
stories that I agree with
It’s exactly how I feel right now
I wonder if the story was sent by you as I fall asleep
Time passes so fast – I wonder if you’re doing well
I was too young back then
Love was hard so I tried to escape
Eventually it was too much pressure so I became unhappy
Although now it’s too late
When today passes, you will disappear like dust –
what is love?
If I look sad, my tears are like smoke,
like dancing smoke
Tomorrow, my day will start like nothing is wrong
and I will forget you
I’ll just remain here, smiling,
as I pray that you will be happy
If someday on the streets
we run into each other
I hope we will look happy as we smile,
each with a different person
So long
When today passes, you will disappear like dust –
what is love?
If I look sad, my tears are like smoke,
like dancing smoke
Tomorrow, my day will start like nothing is wrong
and I will forget you
I’ll just remain here, smiling,
as I pray that you will be happy
Nae chinguga ne yaegireul hae
johaboyeotdan mare
gwaenhi hwareul nae
Eojjeomyeon ajikdo na ttaeme nega
himdeureohagil baraenneunji molla
Yojeum gakkeum nado moreuge
urigachi jeulgyeo deutdeon noraereul hae
Yet chueoge jamgin oneul gateun nal
iyueobsi bogosipeojineun bam
Geuttaen naega neomu eoryeoseo sarangi
eoryeowoseo neol piharyeogoman haetji
Nan budami dwaetgo bulmani dwaetjyo
kkeutnae neoreul ulligo
Oneuri jinamyeon neon sarajil meonji
sarangi mwonji
Na seulpeo boindamyeon nae nunmureun yeongi
chumchuneun yeongicheoreom
Naeirimyeon tto amureochi anke Haruga sijakdwae
neol itgosalgetjyo
Geujeo nega haengbokhaejigil naneun
Igoseseo namaseo useumyeo bireojulge
Hoksi gieokhani urideul cheoeum mannan nal
Sunsuhan miso gadeukhi Sauvignon Blanc
Neol hyanghan iyu eomneun sunjong
ttaeron geochimeopdeon chungdol
Ibyeori unmyeongiran hyeonsil ape
nae majimak bunno
Machim deullyeooneun radioeseo
gonggamdoeneun sayeon
Jigeum nae mamgwa ttokgatdamyeo
Hoksi nega anilkka saenggakhada jami wa
Siganeun cham ppalli ga neon jal isseulkka
Geuttaen naega neomu eoryeoseo
Sarangi eoryeowoseo domangchiryeogoman haetji
Gyeolguk budami dwaetgo bulmani dwaetjyo
Ijen neujeobeoryeotjiman
Oneuri jinamyeon neon sarajil meonji
sarangi mwonji
Na seulpeo boindamyeon nae nunmureun yeongi
chumchuneun yeongicheoreom
Naeirimyeon tto amureochi anke Haruga sijakdwae
neol itgo salgetjyo
Geujeo nega haengbokhaejigil naneun
Igoseseo namaseo useumyeo bireojulge
Eonjenga gireul jinada
uri dasi mannal geureon nari ondamyeon
Geu eonjenganeun seoro dareun saramgwa
haengbokhan moseubeuro useul su itge
so long
Oneuri jinamyeon neon sarajil meonji
sarangi mwonji
Na seulpeo boindamyeon nae nunmureun yeongi
chumchuneun yeongicheoreom
Naeirimyeon tto amureochi anke Haruga sijakdwae
neol itgo salgetjyo
Geujeo nega haengbokhaejigil naneun
Igoseseo namaseo useumyeo bireojulge
English Translation
My friend talked about you
When he said you looked good,
I got pointlessly angry
Maybe I still wanted you
to suffer because of me
These days, without knowing,
I sing the songs we used to listen to together
On days like this when I’m locked in old memories,
On nights when I miss you for no reason
I was too young back then
Love was hard so I tried to avoid you
It was too much pressure for me and so I was unhappy
So eventually, I made you cry
When today passes, you will disappear like dust –
what is love?
If I look sad, my tears are like smoke,
like dancing smoke
Tomorrow, my day will start like nothing is wrong
and I will forget you
I’ll just remain here, smiling,
as I pray that you will be happy
Do you remember the day we first met?
Innocent smiles filled with Sauvignon Blanc
My submission to you without reason
Sometimes, our strong clashes
When separation became our fate-like reality,
my last wrath
From the radio I hear
stories that I agree with
It’s exactly how I feel right now
I wonder if the story was sent by you as I fall asleep
Time passes so fast – I wonder if you’re doing well
I was too young back then
Love was hard so I tried to escape
Eventually it was too much pressure so I became unhappy
Although now it’s too late
When today passes, you will disappear like dust –
what is love?
If I look sad, my tears are like smoke,
like dancing smoke
Tomorrow, my day will start like nothing is wrong
and I will forget you
I’ll just remain here, smiling,
as I pray that you will be happy
If someday on the streets
we run into each other
I hope we will look happy as we smile,
each with a different person
So long
When today passes, you will disappear like dust –
what is love?
If I look sad, my tears are like smoke,
like dancing smoke
Tomorrow, my day will start like nothing is wrong
and I will forget you
I’ll just remain here, smiling,
as I pray that you will be happy
Big Bang (빅뱅) – Alive (intro) Lyrics
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
nan jugeoganeun deut boijiman jukji anha
namdeurui siseoneul pihae gyeolko sumji anha
eonjena boran deusi kkeutkkaji churakhajiman
Im alive
nan deo isang irheulge eobseo
gwageoneun dwiro hago jump out
gipi tteoreojigo inneun nae moseubi areumdawo jigeum
nae jasineul haneure deonjyeo nan jayurowo
i sunganmankeumeun nan saraisseo Im still alive
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
I’m livin’ that I’m livin’ that good life
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
We livin’ that we livin’ that’ good life
English Translation
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
It may seem like I’m dying but I won’t die
I won’t avoid the eyes of others and hide.
I may be obviously falling till the end but
I’m alive
But I have nothing more to lose
so I put the past behind me and jump out
My deeply falling self is so beautiful right now
I throw myself to the sky and I am free
At this moment, I am alive, I’m still alive
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
I’m livin’ that I’m livin’ that good life
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
We livin’ that we livin’ that’ good life
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
nan jugeoganeun deut boijiman jukji anha
namdeurui siseoneul pihae gyeolko sumji anha
eonjena boran deusi kkeutkkaji churakhajiman
Im alive
nan deo isang irheulge eobseo
gwageoneun dwiro hago jump out
gipi tteoreojigo inneun nae moseubi areumdawo jigeum
nae jasineul haneure deonjyeo nan jayurowo
i sunganmankeumeun nan saraisseo Im still alive
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
I’m livin’ that I’m livin’ that good life
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
We livin’ that we livin’ that’ good life
English Translation
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
It may seem like I’m dying but I won’t die
I won’t avoid the eyes of others and hide.
I may be obviously falling till the end but
I’m alive
But I have nothing more to lose
so I put the past behind me and jump out
My deeply falling self is so beautiful right now
I throw myself to the sky and I am free
At this moment, I am alive, I’m still alive
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
I’m livin’ that I’m livin’ that good life
I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive
We livin’ that we livin’ that’ good life
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